Early detection of disease condition greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. Hence we run community outreach programs like Gynecological Cancer Screening Program and Health Camps, to detect possible warning signs of disease and to take prompt action. By way of prevention, we mainly focus on timely investigations and education to undergo preventive check up for early diagnosis.

Need of Cancer Screening Program

The incidence of cancer in India is rising day by day at a very high pace. Approximately 1 million new cases are diagnosed every year. One of the major reasons behind death of most cancer patients is ‘detection at a very late stage’. When detected early, the cure rate for most of the cancers is over 70-80%. Also the cost for treatment is substantially less. In advanced stage, cure rate drops to less than 20% and the expenses required for the treatment are very high. Cancer screening program aims at detection of cancer before the person has any symptoms. Early detection leads to early treatment, lower death rate, and lower burden on healthcare.